Wednesday, August 8, 2012

AMD, The Puppet Shows, and Mooshu!

We all want Beta Keys.
Except for me because I am already in Beta..

I know you want some though!

AMD now has a daily Facebook giveaway, each day giving away 40 closed beta keys for a total of 200 keys given away by the end of this week!

You can find their giveaway right over here:

Do not frown like a Monquistan who just lost a banana! No, no, no! You musn't do that because I am a Captain of the Pirate101 Twitter Watching for Cool News and have found this from one of my favorite Pirate101 Fansites, Stormgate Pirates!

So Stormgate Pirates, Legends of the Spiral, and Pirate101 Skyways are teaming up to make an ultimate Beta Key Treasure Hunt?

Interesting! I definitely can't wait to see this!

Next up, we have the Pirate101 Puppet Shows!
Pirate101 Puppet Shows are to help explain things along your way in the Spiral! They are funny and interesting.... and VERY funny!

Here is just one so I don't fill up this whole page with Puppet Pictures!

A Monquistan with a banana! Favorite Puppet Show yet!

You can find more Puppet Show pictures over here:

Third on our list is the new Mooshu Concept Art!

Let me show you my favorites:

This is Wan Mo! A monk in Mooshu who seeks perfection and enlightenment.

Here is a rich Noble Lady Goat! I would love to see some female Pirates wearing those clothes.. although that would be a bit difficult to battle in.

 Egg Fo Yung! One of the Pirate lords of the Spiral, who has retired but some wonder if he didn't meet a darker fate.

He looks very angry in this picture! Angry bird! With huge sandals!

Alright that's all Pirates! I hope to see you all in Beta and



Please do not ask Beta Players about Pirate101 because we will not (we should not) say anything about it until it is officially released to the general public! Beta Players, remember to not discuss, upload pictures or videos of Pirate101.

Legal action could occur!

Happy Skyway Sailing! Remember to take the Windlane, just to be safe!

Friday, August 3, 2012

Closed Beta is here!

Now I hope you are all as excited as I am! Closed Beta is finally here, and invitations are being sent all around the Spiral!

Make sure to keep a very close eye on the Pirate101 Facebook Page and the AMD Pirate101 blog for chances to get closed beta keys!

Also make sure to keep constantly checking your emails for invites! Remember to not say anything about Closed Beta if you are selected and playing!

Good luck to all! 

Sunday, July 29, 2012

Yo Ho Yo Ho Combat is what I see!

Avast me hearties!

Mr. Coleman over on Facehook.... I mean Facebook uploaded some new combat images for our enjoyment!

First let's start with a non-combat image!

*Click on image to enlarge it*

It looks like your ordinary average Pirate with a Subodai companion about to talk to Sergeant Shepherd, a Marleybonian pirate!

Quest helper is indicating they are in the Temple of Gloom! Guessing from their environment, they are in Skull Island and not Valencia.

Now let's see those combat images!

Bonnie Anne is just looking pretty at the side while Subodai and Egg Fu Chen are battling those cutthroats like nobody's business! Sadly, Subodai's attack was blocked. Well, let's see how this turns out!

Subodai strikes back with a powerful attack causing the Cutthroats health to weaken greatly! Is it just me, or does not that look like an ordinary attack. Something is special about it!

Bonnie Anne decided to stop standing there and look pretty, and to go out to fight a Cutthroat! Now if you haven't noticed already, all of the Cutthroats have their own individual names. I have a feeling all monsters in Pirate101 will as well.

Bonnie Anne shouts with a monstrous sort of storm strike from her gun doing 15 damage! Has the Cutthroat been defeated?! We don't quite know yet, since Mr. Coleman hasn't released the next images of this wondrous battle! 

Oh the Pirating vibes that go through me when I explain these epic battles in Pirate101! It just makes me even more excited for what is to come! 

Thanks for reading Pirates!

Be careful on those skyways! Pick the windlane if ya know what's best for you! :)

Saturday, July 28, 2012

Let's Talk Companions! A Pirate's Best Friend!

Basic Information:
Companions are your "sidekicks". They help you with your battles. They range in appearance and they have all have different, unique fighting styles!

Each time you gain a level, you gain special training points to level your companion which will make them stronger and look even cooler!

Now for the facts:

1. Your First Companion is Unique to your Pirate's Story.

From some articles on the web about Pirate101, there have been quite a few that said when you are taking your character quiz in the beginning to determine what class you will be, it also asks you a bit about your Pirate's background!

2. Addition Companions can be earned through main AND side quests.

Now on Stormgate Pirates, there is a quiz and there is a true or false question that states:

Additional Companions can be earned only through main quests.
That is....


Since we know additional companions can be earned through side quests, it gives us a bigger boost to do side quests! In Wizard101, most people only do side quests for extra exp to level up.

3. You can choose your favorite or most powerful companion to be your sidekick.

4. You can order your companions to pick who is most likely to help you during a battle.

Now it seems that we will be having some sort of Companion chart in which you can move around your companions, see their stats, etc.
Maybe you can order your companions to have more than one helping you in battle!

5. Companions have special powers and abilities.

6. Companions can be trained and promoted.

To promote your companion, it says there are special Companion Promotion quests. My guess is that the more you want to promote a companion, the difficult the quest will become.

So from all of this, Companions seem to be quite interesting. They help you in a battle, they look cool, they are a Pirate's best friend!

Now, what do we already know is a companion?

First let's check out the Companion Slideshow!

First slide:

Goose... Ninja.. what....?

Maybe Captain Avery can help out!

Captain? Captain Avery?

It looks like he might be doing some laundry on the ship...

Let's check his Twitter!

Scrolling.... scrolling.... GOTCHA!

Goose Student Companion, Egg Shen!

If you go to Pirate101 Central, there is a similar name..:
Egg Fu Yen.
Oh here's another picture:

And another!

They are so... eggy! 


Now this is quite an interesting companion!

Look at him. All tough looking with his mustache.

In fact, it somewhat reminds me of a Kirin. The Unicorns with mustaches!

This companion is a part of the race: The Amber Horde

The Amber Horde are very brave fighters! You can find them in Mooshu.

One Amber Horde is named Subodai! He is exiled from the Amber Hordes but he is the strongest and mightiest companions out there! Yes, I said Companion!

There is a very high percent chance that this female Pirate's companion is the great Subodai! 

Next Companion!

Oh how perfect! A Monquistan Companion! It will be mine hopefully.

It looks like a Monquistan monk, probably from the city of Puerto Mico.

All Companions have certain attributes. Here are a list of them:

That's all for now!

The question for you Pirates is:

What Pirate Companion would you want?

Tuesday, July 24, 2012

Zhu Ro and the Water Moles!

Ahoy Pirates!

Recently, J. Todd Coleman is just loving to tease us with some Pirate101 pictures to get us 10 times more excited for the game than we already are.

That's fine though.

It gives us Pirate101 bloggers to post about, to help you understand these images a bit more!

*Click Image to Enlarge*

Well, what do we have here?

Engaging in a battle with a Monquistador Ship named Dona Isabella!

At the bottom left hand corner, there seems to be 5 buttons around the health bubble. One of them is a skull, which probably is for the Pirate stats? Then there is a ship button which I believe could be to customize or see the stats of  the ships.

Then there is a home button! Maybe it will take us to some Ship room!
Then there is a map.. which is a map.

Then finally, there is a blue potion. 4 of them. Well, there is definitely no mana in this game, so I wonder what the blue potion does? Well I know, but I won't say anything :)
Now, at the bottom right hand corner, we can see how the ship is doing. Still confused on some of those, but Swordroll has an amazing idea on what it can be!

The quest helper is pointing to find Zhu Ru's Teahouse in Hamimitsu Garden. Well that definitely looks like it's' in Mooshu! Below is your and the Ship's experience bar. 

When a ship engages into battle with another ship, there seems to be a PvP Icon to indicate who you are in battle with!

There are some green squares on the ship.... wonder what they are...

Next on our list, we have some concept art!

Wow. Those are some big Water Moles.

The designs of these Water Moles are amazing. Maybe their stripes indicate what Water Mole Clan they are in (Nui or Waponi).

That is all for now Pirates!

Happy Sailing whether it's in a Skyway or Windlane!