Tuesday, July 24, 2012

Zhu Ro and the Water Moles!

Ahoy Pirates!

Recently, J. Todd Coleman is just loving to tease us with some Pirate101 pictures to get us 10 times more excited for the game than we already are.

That's fine though.

It gives us Pirate101 bloggers to post about, to help you understand these images a bit more!

*Click Image to Enlarge*

Well, what do we have here?

Engaging in a battle with a Monquistador Ship named Dona Isabella!

At the bottom left hand corner, there seems to be 5 buttons around the health bubble. One of them is a skull, which probably is for the Pirate stats? Then there is a ship button which I believe could be to customize or see the stats of  the ships.

Then there is a home button! Maybe it will take us to some Ship room!
Then there is a map.. which is a map.

Then finally, there is a blue potion. 4 of them. Well, there is definitely no mana in this game, so I wonder what the blue potion does? Well I know, but I won't say anything :)
Now, at the bottom right hand corner, we can see how the ship is doing. Still confused on some of those, but Swordroll has an amazing idea on what it can be!

The quest helper is pointing to find Zhu Ru's Teahouse in Hamimitsu Garden. Well that definitely looks like it's' in Mooshu! Below is your and the Ship's experience bar. 

When a ship engages into battle with another ship, there seems to be a PvP Icon to indicate who you are in battle with!

There are some green squares on the ship.... wonder what they are...

Next on our list, we have some concept art!

Wow. Those are some big Water Moles.

The designs of these Water Moles are amazing. Maybe their stripes indicate what Water Mole Clan they are in (Nui or Waponi).

That is all for now Pirates!

Happy Sailing whether it's in a Skyway or Windlane! 

1 comment:

  1. The big ones could be bosses and the small ones could be minions.
